Model of Material classification plant
Model of an industrial plant, at 1:50 scale. It’s about the new classification plant for the treatment of the materials contained in the conventional garbage bag, built by Valtalia for Sogama (Sociedade Galega do Medio Ambiente) It is the most modern and efficient waste treatment plant in the world.
The ship consists of a receiving pit of 5,000 cubic meters, 1 hydraulic octopus with lifting capacity for 12 tons, 5 treatment lines to process 40 tons per hour each, with more than 30 optical readers, in addition to the corresponding magnetic separators and inductive, that will allow to select and separate automatically 10 different materials.
The Valtalia group is based in Ourense, starting its activity in 2005 through its first company, Sogapol, focused on the manufacture of plastic packaging. Since that year, it has experienced rapid growth and has shown great international projection, with advanced engineering projects in Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Algeria, Peru and Brazil and Spain and with commercial activity in the United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Italy , China, India, Saudi Arabia, Cote d’Ivoire, Brazil, Canada, the United States and Colombia.